What We Do
We connect and encourage
What We Do
— We connect
It is important for us to stay in contact with each other. As we share a vision that many small gestures can make a difference, by being able to share our successes and failures we learn from each other and find support. We get to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and where to go for help.
We learn —
We feel it is possible to learn from past mistakes. We learn to forgive and get on with building a better world, where we overcome our personal wounds and understand that in a peaceful, stable environment we can all prosper. During the Covid pandemic, we have discovered we are all interdependent. By reducing extreme inequalities within our societies, allowing more opportunities to the less privileged, a more harmonious diversity develops.
— We build Networks
We get to know who is the best specialist to handle a project that is being proposed and we discover that we all have contacts that can be called on for help in certain circumstances. We learn to be creative and not awed at the immensity of a situation.
As we call on experts to collaborate on projects – once they are in place and functioning, we can use them as role models and learn how to adapt them for different needs or circumstances.
Co-Willing members are involved in the highest levels of scientific research and implementation, in economy, agriculture, architecture, politics and education, to the struggling schools set up in slum areas, where new technology is helping to include more students and extend the range of subjects.
We strengthen —
We strengthen our ties with the countries we are involved with, discovering unimagined sources of wisdom and practical solutions which help to give us a more realistic vision and maturity.
We have come to realise the importance of the exchanges we have with other cultures, and we learn new ways to deal with problems.
When we help to solve a difficult situation, bringing experience, new technology and resources, apart from the feeling of having accomplished something, we often feel we come away with more than we brought.
— We support
One of the legal counsellors working with Co-Willing is an internationally renowned and respected legal mind, who has spent many years practising, studying and teaching about the principles of good government. He has been fascinated by the problem of what happens to an idealistic, well-educated, brave warrior, achieving power and the possibility to help his country, becoming a despot, abusing his privileges and directing the income from his country’s resources to personal causes.
We support politicians who convince us they are determined to work for the good of their people,
These scientists are central to tackle climate change, infestations of predators and dangers to crops in vulnerable areas.
We educate —
With different contacts across continents, we build up a deeper understanding of what the common human values are that we try to defend. We realise that we cannot judge people living in desperate poverty in the same way we would look at poor people in more developed countries who live in a social system that protects them from destitution.
Even with offers of help to get a good education, young people may surprise us by choosing to remain with a sick mother, or taking care of a grandmother in a rural area. Politicians who have fought their way out of poverty and gained power, have difficulty giving it up in a democratic process.
“Freedom fighters” considered as terrorists are often heroes, risking their lives to defend their community. They want to contribute to peace and security, but they feel unless they do something, nothing will change.
Our aims
To be a channel for people with something to share:knowledge, technical skill, material support for a project, – without seeking financial gain. The administrative work is done by volunteers and co-operators, willingly giving their time and competences.
To join the increasing movement away from the “me first” mentality, spearheaded by economically successful groups of influencers.(See recent publications such as “The Upswing” by R. D. Putnam, “Mission Economy” by Mariana Mazzucato, “The wheels of society” by Tony Wilson”, etc.)